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Skin infections High In Gyms: Are You One Of The Many

The unhygienic equipments used by all and the sweaty damp conditions there, altogether make a conducive environment for skin infections to be contracted.

Prominent Areas for Skin Infection While Gyming

1. Notorious Gym Equipments - they are definitely notorious to be indispensible while gyming, but mostly the top reasons of getting skin infections. A recent survey confirmed the traces of staphylococcus bacteria, a bacteria causing skin infection. Sweat is an all omnipresent entity of gyms which is natural to stay on equipment like dumbbells, boxing gloves, exercise bikes, weights etc. They are used by many people often and in quick successions which makes more and more people susceptible to skin infections.

2. Showers, Locker Rooms & Changing Rooms – Relatively are the most damp and moist areas of gym. As there are no standard heath standards to be maintained, often resulting into people contracting skin infections. The flooring of these places has bacteria and walking bare foot here is common thing, another reason which leads to skin infection.
3. Gym Clothes & Accessories - A casual use of gym towels, shower robes, cloves, water bottles, etc could lead to skin infection. Just think how many people use the same items every day. Sure you would think they are cleaned, but remember proper standards are not maintained. So it's likely the case that you may get skin infection.

4. Sauna Bath & Swimming Pools - Love the splash of water, but the resident fear of skin infection is again a factor to consider. Public pools and hot tub baths are infested with bacterial skin infection.

Go To Gym But Stay Safe– Prevent Skin Infection

Adhere to strict hygiene rules while you enjoy a gym session.

1) Always wear slipper or flip flop while walking in the sauna bath or shower rooms to prevent skin infection.
2) Never share personal items like towels, razors etc with anyone. Bring along your own personal items to use.
3) Wash hands once with antibacterial soap after you have completed your gyming session with the equipments.
4) Also wipe the equipments with disinfecting solution prior to using them, as a personal habit.
5) Avoid touching body parts like eyes, mouth, face etc; the skin infection could get a way into your body.
6) The gym benches are hotbed for the growth of bacterial infection, so avoid sitting without cover on the benches.


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