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Nasal Irrigation: It's Not As Hard As You Think!

Did you know that nasal irrigation, also known as nasal washing, is an ancient Hindu practice of personal hygiene and cleansing? Yoga practitioners often use this method to achieve excellent flow of breathing air into the nose, which is crucial in yoga. It all comes down to this - when your nose is stuffed with external debris and unwanted substances, you have difficulty in breathing and it makes your life miserable. This is where nasal irrigation comes into the picture. You may have read about this method referred to as "nasal douche", "sinus irrigation" or "sinus rinse". They all mean the same thing. It is an effective way to flush out excess mucus and debris out of the nose. 

-Allergens In the Air 
Now that summer has arrived, no one can stop you from enjoying the great outdoors. It is always a pleasure to walk, run, bike and play in the park in this lovely weather. During this season, exercise instructors are encouraging classes outside of the gym, holding outdoor boot camps and yoga sessions in open air spaces. Although these settings are very ideal for anyone's enjoyment, they pose a challenge to allergy-prone individuals. Grass and weed pollen are everywhere and seem impossible to avoid. These allergens get trapped into the nasal passages, and can lead to an allergy attack.
-When Allergy Strikes
In an allergy attack, your immune system overreacts to a certain allergen that you have inhaled into your system, such as dust, pollen or mold. You may find that in an instant, you can experience itching, watery eyes, stuffy nose, runny nose and even difficulty in breathing, if the case is extreme.

-Cleansing Your Nasal Passages 
Cleaning out your nose of harmful allergens does not only mean blowing mucus out from it, but also observing hygiene inside to achieve good nasal health. A very cost-effective way is by cupping warm salt water into your hands and snorting the liquid from one nostril, and exit to the other nostril. A netipot can also do the trick. It doesn't matter if it's an old-fashioned one or a modern type, a netipot has long been used to relieve nasal congestion. Nasal sprays and nebulizers are tools for irrigation as well.

-Nasal Irrigation Helps 
By irrigating your nasal passages, there are decreased symptoms of chronic sinusitis and halitosis. It is also encouraged as an additional treatment in conjunction with other sinusitis therapy solutions. Nasal irrigation moisturizes the nasal cavity, eliminating encrusted material within the nose. Salt water solutions also act as anti-bacterial agents that fight infection before it starts. Saline solutions also thin out and loosen mucus, making it easy to expel.

-Try Medicated Nasal Irrigation 
Allergic and perennial rhinitis patients are now talking about the benefits medicated nasal irrigation. It is a convenient and natural way to cleanse the sinuses using an efficient nasal irrigator bottle with preservative-free saline solution. The nasal irrigator bottle is custom-molded to ensure a smooth flow to the nasal passages. There are also no side effects since the solution used is a natural sea-salt mixture that is great for cleansing the sinuses. Use medicated nasal irrigation to wash away excessive respiratory secretions and to drain impacted sinuses.

Breathe right this summer. Give nasal irrigation a try!


2 comment:

Eric mengatakan...

Nasal irrigation is necessary for sinus infection.Allergy and infection takes an easy breath away.

Satria Ilham firdaus mengatakan...

thank you for your participation and comments guys. ^ _ ^

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